Providing coaching & training for leaders & organizations to work and thrive within diversity.

Effective, Diverse teams

The power of teams comes from each team member feeling confident in their contribution to the team's goals and being acknowledged for their performance by the team. Building this kind of powerful team requires establishing a team culture that engages and creates an effective, efficient, and fun environment.

The Power of Teams Checklist

Intercultural        Development

An organization is a dynamic organism. Each part has unique qualities, strengths, and challenges. When every part is valued and utilized to its potential, organizational performance accelerates. Achieving this requires interculturally mature leadership, management, and operations.

Intercultural Development Checklist

Education for the Future

Today's students are growing up in an interconnected and complex world. Interculturalist is committed to bringing intercultural education to families, K-12 schools, and higher education. We collaborate with educators, parents, and others to help students prepare for their career, life, and future.

Education for the Future Checklist

Some of our previous clients:



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